
Neon LMS is a complete package script for setting up online courses and earn by enrolling students. The bundle includes responsive frontend website managed by full-fledge dashboard for Admin, Teachers and Students. Admin can manage every aspect of the system while Teacher can create multiple courses with Lessons and Tests. User can browse through this list and can enroll as student by paying for the course and educate themselves anytime and from anywhere.

So what you're waiting for? Setup Neon LMS and start earning by sharing knowledge.

Checkout API Guideline

App Configuration

Step 1

Download [or] Clone the latest and updated source code of Neon Lms. Use the visual studio tool for the changes in the code.

Step 2

Drag and drop the root file in visual studio.


Step 3

When you open the code in visual studio it looks like this format. App name will display in the left side panel. You can see the short screen for that.


Change the App package name For Android

Step 4

Under Gradle Scripts ---> Select the app’s build.gradle file.


Step 5

On the app level gradle file, replace the applicationId with your package name and sync the project.


Setup for the Google Login In Android

Step 6

To get the google_services.json file Sign in to your account on Firebase and select Add Project with your Application Name(If Not Exist) and select your country.

step-6-a step-6-b step-6-c

Step 7

Inside your project you can register your android app with your package name, app name(optional) and your own(Android Studio) SHA-1 key.


Step 8

After registering the App you can see the google-service.json file in another popup.


Now Download the google-service.json file from your console and finish the steps of app creation and replace that google-service.json on android studio. Then sync the project at android studio.

Note : You can download the google-service.json file from your console at any time.

To do that select the Settings option by clicking the menu icon of your app(Which you created already).

Setup for the Google Login In IOS

Step 9

Now we need to set up for the IOS. Will click on the IOS button



Add the bundle id for the IOS.



Download the plist file and add this file to the IOS project.


Now Download the google-service-info.plist file from your console and finish the steps of app creation and add the google-service-info.plist on xcode.

Note : You can download the google-service-info.plist file from your console at any time.

To do that select the Settings option by clicking the menu icon of your app(Which you created already).

Setup for the Facebook Login In Android


Now We will create an application on Facebook for login. Open the Facebook Developer Account



Then go to the MyApps section and create the new app. After that add the IOS and android platform.

In Android we need to add the package name and hash key.

To find the hash key you can visit this link: - Hash Key


Update the facebook and google ID In Code for Android

For the android we need to update the facebook and google login key in the string.xml file.


Setup for the Facebook Login In IOS


For IOS we need to add the bundle ID for the application


Change the Bundle ID in IOS


Open the project folder and then in that folder open the IOS folder in the xcode tool.



Use the firebase bundle ID in the Xcode also.


Add the facebook and google ID for IOS

Now for the IOS we need to update the facebook and google login key in the xcode info file.


Change the App Display Name for Android


Now we need to update the display name of the application. Press the command+P for the search for the file in Visual studio and search the string file and open that.



Here you can change the application display name for the android.


Change the App Display Name for IOS


Now we need to update the display name for the IOS. We need to search the Plist file from command+P



Here you can change the application display name for the IOS.


Change the Server URL and google ID


Open the Config.js file from the command+P. And then change the developmentApiURL, google login and twitter login keys.


Change the App icon for the Android


Now we are changing the app icon for the Android application. On your root folder
Go to app -> android -> app -> src -> main -> res


Change the App icon for the IOS


Now we are changing the app icon for the IOS application. On your root folder
Go to app -> IOS -> NeonLms -> Images.xcassets -> AppIcon.appiconset
